
Homeland Attacks Imminent?

Mark Knapp Mark is a Spokane area based attorney who focuses on criminal defense, employment discrimination and advocacy on behalf of armed citizens regarding the use of lethal force and Washington state gun laws. Warrior Heart. Political discourse is often so focused on Constitutional Rights that armed citizens tend to forget that we have a…

Trump & Section 3 of Fourteenth Amendment

The following are notes and comments about Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment which is the authority on which the Colorado courts focused when deciding former President Trump’s name should be removed from the ballots in Colorado. The allegation is that Trump is not eligible to hold office because he allegedly engaged in an insurrection…

Pedagogy of the Educational Mafia

It is worth reading Blood Brotherhood about three Mafia networks that originated in Italy. Each of these organizations compete with each other but also cooperate, stretching their deadly violence across the world from prison gangs in Sicily, Calabria and Naples into the United States and other nations. Each organization has its own rituals and legends…

The Revolt of the Maccabees

“Instruct the Israelites to bring you clear oil of beaten olives for lighting, to cause the lamp TO BURN ALWAYS. Aaron and his sons shall set them up in the Tent of Meeting, outside the curtain which is before the Ark of the Pact, to burn from evening to morning before the LORD. It shall…


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